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Can you make a latte with oat milk?

Can you make a latte with oat milk

Oat Milk is a popular alternative to our beloved cow milk, and it has been a great way to become vegan and cut on animal-based products. So many people, who were hooked on using milk in their Coffee, now want to know, can you make a latte with oat milk? 

Yes, you can make a latte with oat milk. Oat Milk stands apart from other milk alternatives due to its natural sweetness and creaminess. 

The Latte made with oat milk turns out to be smooth, creamy, and also with a light froth on the top. So if you also want to know how to make a latte with oat milk, let’s know the recipe!

Can you make a latte with oat milk?

Yes, you can make a latte with oat milk. It is a great substitute for people who are hooked on Lattes but can’t tolerate milk or want to turn vegan. Oat milk latte can be made with very simple ingredients, including espresso coffee, steamed oat milk, and the sweetener of your choice. That’s it, and it can turn out to be as good as a normal latte. 

Let’s know the recipe. 

How to make a latte with oat milk? 


  • 2 Shots of Espresso
  • 1 Cup Oat Milk
  • 1 tsp Brown Sugar or Maple Syrup


  • First of all, brew your Coffee. You can make 2 shots of espresso or use instant Coffee instead. It is upon you to make Coffee.
  • Now, take oat milk and heat it up. 
  • Now, when oat milk is hot, add maple syrup or any other kind of sweetener of your choice.
  • Whisk in the maple syrup correctly and let it get hot until it thickens. You can even heat the milk in the microwave for 30-45 seconds. 
  • Now remove the milk from the heat and put it into the blender. 
  • Blend the milk until the milk turns frothy. Surely, it doesn’t turn much froth, but it is still good. 
  • Now, take a latte cup, pour the Coffee first, and then slowly, holding the froth, put milk in the cup. 
  • And that’s your Latte with oat milk. 

Variations for Latte with oat milk

  • You can sprinkle a bit of cinnamon and nutmeg in your oat milk latte. 
  • Or you can heat up the oat milk with a dash of vanilla extract to make it a vanilla latte. 
  • Or if you want to taste a taste of mocha latte, you put a tsp of cocoa powder in hot espresso. 

Can you make a cold latte with oat milk? 

Yes, you can make a cold latte with oat milk. For that, you have to skip heating up the milk and instead cool down the milk in the freezer and then pour it up in the espresso and mix it up. That’s how you can make a cold latte with oat milk. 

Which oat milk type to use for Latte with oat milk? 

You can surely use any standard oat milk as it can make Latte, but barista oat milk is always recommended especially. The barista oat milk is recommended because it is formulated to be heated and used in coffee beverages. 

Bottom Line

This was all about whether can you make a latte of oat milk. So yes, you can surely make a latte with oat milk and even can do variations too. Ota milk will work great as a substitute for standard milk in making Latte. 

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